jueves, 26 de abril de 2012

Hello, the following video can help you to recognize some false cognates that can confuse you when you are learning English as second language. According to Wikipedia False cognates are pairs of words in the same or different languages that are similar in form and meaning but have different roots.

Video from Youtube.com


The convertible words between Spanish and English are called "cognates". These
Spanish English cognates usually have the same roots. The Spanish English cognates are
a hidden gem for English speakers who are learning Spanish (or for Spanish speakers
who are learning English).
However, there are also many "false Spanish English cognates". These pairs of words
look similar in Spanish and English but their actual meanings can be very different. It is
not uncommon for English speakers to use these false cognate words incorrectly without
knowing it. To avoid making such mistakes in Spanish, it is to the student's advantage to
learn and master these Spanish English false cognates.

advertencia n. warning, piece of advice, reminder, or preface
advertisement n. un anuncio
aguardar to wait for
guard guardar; defender; proteger
argumento n. reasoning (as in a courtroom)
argument n. 1) argumento (in the sense of reasoning);
discusión, pelea, disputa, or polémica (in the sense of disagreement)
asesor n. advisor
assessor n. evaluador
asunto n. subject, topic
assumption n. suposición
atender (Latin America) to attend; (Spain) to pay attention to, to heed,
or to care for
attend asistir
billete n. item of paper money
bill Besides money, bill has several other meanings in English: cuenta;
proyecto de legislación.
crudo adj. raw, cruel
crude adj. bruto, sin pulido
firma n. 1) (commonly) a signature, 2) a firm
firm adj. firme, sólido, duro, seguro;
n. una firma or una empresa
fútbol n. soccer
football n. el fútbol americano
presente n. current, present. There is no 'gift' meaning
present n. presente. 'Gift' in Spanish is 'regalo'.

They are some example of False Cognate.

domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

Video of types of Sentences

Hello, the following video can help you to recognize the types of sentences in English. you can use this video in your GRAMMAR classes. Hope that you enjoy this video and can help you in your assignments.
types of sentences

Welcome to Interesting English esl-Santiago

English as second language

Welcome, as you know English has become in one of the most important language in the world, spanish speakers have the necesity to learn english in order to get a good job, get good grades in their assignments(students) and also for personal necessities.

this blog is created for ESL students in order to find value information for their assignments, workshops, and also for their tests. Here you can find some pictures, videos, links related to Grammar, conversation,  that can help you as ESL student.

Hope you find here all you the information you need, and that you can enjoy this blog>>> :)